Recent profession career (8 years)
CFO, Digital Marketing and Appraiser (RICS)
under Agency of lawyers in Angola;
Consultant at international project: (6 years) agrobusiness financed by IFAD and managed by France and promoted with IASS at INSED
Education training as assistant: (2 years)
Secondary professional school in Portugal and university for undergraduate in Angola.
Good user of MS Office: Word, Excel, Power-Point and PDF
Also usually able at eGoRealEstate software and Primavera, and ERP/SAP for business
Domain of CAD, as well as UNIX and SPSS
Acessible user of Windows (IBM or APLE, etc)
Driving licence still valide from Portugal (EU), from Angola (SADC)
NIRD, Hyderabad: Planning on Finance (2003)
INSED-CEFIL, France: applied Statistics (2001)
Acad-BAI, Luanda: real estate Appraiser (2019)
Obtained in Angola, with Boost (3 Times) under national Campaign globaly suported (WHO).
NIRD, Hyderabad: Planning on Finance (2003)
INSED-CEFIL, France: applied Statistics (2001)
Acad-BAI, Luanda: real estate Appraiser (2019)